Fleetwood Development Update - August 2022
Bucci is happy to announce that we received conditional approval at the Advisory Design Panel and we are now working with City of Surrey Planning staff and moving forward with public notification stage of the project as we look forward to heading to Council in the near future.
We have shared project images and sample video in the attached links below:
Further details about project and proposal are noted below:
Location: 16065 & 16099 Fraser Highway
Project Number: 7919-0366-00
The City of Surrey has received an application to permit the phased development of two (2) high-rise mixed-use buildings, one (1) mid-rise residential building and the creation of a lot of Parks purposes.
The proposal includes:
- 1,130 residential dwelling units
- 7,398 sq. m. of commercial/office floor area
- Proposed floor area ratio of 4.1 (gross)
- Building heights of 37 storeys, 42 storeys and 15 storeys
- 1,459 parking spaces
- Rezoning from RA (One-Acre Residential Zone) and CHI (Highway Commercial Industrial Zone) to CD (Comprehensive Development Zone).
- Official Community Plan Amendment to redesignate a portion from “Multiple Residential” to “Town Centre” and Fleetwood Plan (Stage 1) amendment.
- General Development Permit for Form and Character
(Please note numbers are approximate and may change before final approval)
Please direct any questions or comments you may have about our proposal to:
Leita Martin, Project Planner
lmartin@surrey.ca or 604-591-4270