How did "VEN" get it's name?

Here’s the story:
As the Sales and Marketing Manager I was pondering naming options for this upcoming project about eight months ago while I cruised around the neighbourhood looking for inspiration. I stopped and had a great breakfast at Vendome Cafe. As I ate my amazing Eggs Benedict I was wondering where the name “Vendome” originated and typed it into my phone. This brought up a street in Paris and I examined other French names. It didn’t appear that there was a serious French influence in the area but I liked the sound of “Ven” so I googled just that name. The results were all about the Venn Diagram and its namesake philosopher, John Venn. Well, when I saw the pictures of the Venn diagram (other than taking me back to some years-gone-by university class) it hit me that it represented the union of the neighbourhoods of Hillhurst & Sunnyside and the resulting intersection (overlap) that, arguably, creates Kensington. Now since the space we were going to lease for our Show Suite only had three corner windows and that having two “n’s” might prove confusing in web searches I decided to shorten it to “V-E-N”. Voila…a real estate project name was born.